Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program

  1. Sccm Operating System Deployment Guide
  2. Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program Using
  3. Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program For Pc
  4. Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program For Windows 7
  5. Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program Windows 10
  6. Sccm Deployment Types

Deploy a PowerShell Script as a SCCM Application or Program This is just a quick post to help those who are struggling to find the correct syntax to place into the program (CMD line) field when deploying a PowerShell Script as an application or program for that matter using SCCM.

  • Apr 08, 2019 With SCCM, you can use more than one deployment type to configure different content and installation program for the same application. We will see deployment types in next section. Requirements – While you plan to deploy applications, you may specify requirements to ensure you target the application to right devices.
  • Had a few machines come up with the same issue. Running Windows7 Enterprise, clients installed and working, deploying apps and all fine then a stack of apps will not deploy, they will down load but will not ‘run’. In the Advertisement reports it shows Distribution State as “waiting”.
  • Waiting Disabled means that SCCM is waiting because the Advertisement is expired or the Program is Disabled. You should check on your SCCM-Site why these flags are set. You can try to tweak the properties on the advertisements properties grid in client center, but there must be areason why the program is disabled!?.

This is just a quick post to help those who are struggling to find the correct syntax to place into the program (CMD line) field when deploying a PowerShell Script as an application or program for that matter using SCCM.

For an “Application” “Deployment type” just place this into the Program line.

Sccm Operating System Deployment Guide


Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program Using

Application Deployment Type - Program

Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another Program For Pc

'%Windir%sysnativeWindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe'-ExecutionPolicy Bypass-Command.Your-Scriptfilename.ps1
Sccm Deployment Waiting For Another ProgramSccm deployment waiting for another program windows 10Sccm

Sccm Deployment Types

Note: When using MDT install applications step in you task sequence (Customsettings or MDT DB driven) to install programs this also works a treat!

You can add other properties also like -NoProfile but to be honest I have found this to work 100% of the time without the need for those extras. Just make sure you detection method is solid!